
Showing posts from September, 2017

5 Effective ways to keep the mosquitoes away...

Hello everyone. Today i came up here to share some of the home remedies  that i known to prevent the mosquitoes bite. Here we go... Mosquitoes are just tiny creatures , but they can bring havoc on your lives. These pesky insects can cause dangerous, and even fatal diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, chikungunya and dengue. There are many mosquitoes repellents out in the market, but these are filled with harsh chemicals, which is bad for you and your home. These also have negative effects on the environment. Are interested in naturally getting rid of mosquitoes? Then check out these 5 effective home remedies that will get rid of your mosquito issues, but are also Eco-friendly.  1.Coffee Grounds The simple but effective home remedy to repel mosquitoes is by using coffee grounds. Here's an instruction on how to use it. How to : 1. Sprinkle coffee grounds on stagnant water near your house. The mosquito eggs that are present in the water will be forced to come to

My school activities

Hello everyone, How you all doing? after a couple of hectic weeks, now, here I'm... Today I came with an another episode of my life. Last week we had student party at my school. Seriously I can't even understand schools in Thailand. Bcuz (because) we always have some activity or some functions. I worried about my students, I felt that they need to learn more hours.But what we can do???  Students bring snacks, soft drinks (like soda, on). I thought that the party may start on the afternoon. but actually, they started on the evening. the clock showed 3 pm. The weather was so hot. There was a woman who announced through the microphone that the students have to gather near the Assembly point.  All the students were standing in the line (like a soldier). then the another one came and gave the instruction to the students about the activities. They shuffled the students and form the groups. Each group should have the student from all grades. whe