
Showing posts from January, 2023

A Trip to Chiang Mai. Is that the most beautiful place in Thailand? Beware of >>>>>

 Hi, my fellow readers,  I know it has been a long time since my last blog. I have been tidying up my work and am ready up my mind for this beautiful year. Yey! Happy new year, folks. May God pour your wishes comes true. It has been almost ten months since my last blog. Today, I will share my travel experiences and review some tourist attractions and restaurants in Chiang Mai. The foreign nationals who came up with the name Thailand probably have few words in their minds. Like Bangkok, Pattaya, Som Tum, Pad Thai, and Chiang Mai. Today, I come to share my adventurous travel experiences when I went to Chiang Mai. Yep! This new year 2022, I drove all the way to Chiang Mai, approximately fourteen hours from my place. I know it sounds crazy, but I did it. I drove 900 kilometers in fourteen hours straight.  My foreign national friends, who always boast about Chiang Mai, made me curious to visit the place. As they said, it is a place filled with many tourist attractions. Around Chiang Mai cit

Is the technology enhanced our focus on learning or distracted our focus from the learning?

 Hello, my fellow followers, After a long time, I have got some free time. Well, congrats on my new job as a lecturer at a reputed university in Thailand. So many wondering why I am still in Thailand after a decade I spent here. The answer is simple: I love to be here because of their traditions, and their heritage makes me fall in love with this country much more.  Let me come to the point. As a lecturer and a fellow computer geek, I always ask the question myself. Whether technology is made us focus or distract us? However, I have two specific answers to the question: Yes and No.  Every single thing in this universe has two sides or more than two sides. Likewise, technology has also had it's good and bad. Let me share my perspectives about the good side of technology. Technology brought all the complete information into our hands. Whenever we need some information, reference, or whatever, we have all of it in our hands. We can communicate nook and corner of this earth, predict th