My experience with Isaan people

Today we (me and my wife) went to the Educational service area office 27 Roi-ET (สํานักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษาเขต 27 ( ร้อยเอ็ด ))
 to handover my wife transfer order. My wife is a government Teacher. I'd love to share our wonderful experiences here. I asked her to go to the office alone bcoz i wore an impolite dress. She went upstairs then after couple of minutes she ran back to our car and said that Director of Educational office area want to meet me. First i really shocked, why he need to meet me? Bcos I'm not government staff and I'm not here for anything! Then i went to upstairs with my wife. While we're walking on the stairs i asked her about the reason to meet me ! She said that he asked about her past work and did she committed any corruption to move here.Then she replied to him no and she said i moved here with my husband. He is also going to work with me in same new school! Then he asked about where i'm, she replied that i'm in downstairs waiting in the car. Now i got some clue about that!After reached there he welcomed us, I'm really amazed, bcoz i have been staying in Thailand nearly 5 years i have met lot of high ranking officer during these periods. I never saw an officer give respect for foreigners like this. I really excited for that! Then he asked about my backgrounds(Previous experience, Educational qualification) After he know about software programming experience, he came bit more close and request me to help the new project about cloud based learning! I really excited to that. I'm impressed with his attitude, i said i do help him. Then we( me , my wife and DOE) had little chatter with nice coffee!One thing to say! Isaan people are the best in all the way, either help or care or respect! One of my best experiences in Thailand ! Happy to share with you all.


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