
Showing posts from July, 2023

How to enhance your vocabulary skill? real-life activities help to achieve it.

  Vocabulary skill is the ability to understand and use words effectively. It is an essential part of language skills, as it allows us to communicate our thoughts and ideas clearly and precisely. A good vocabulary can help you in many ways, including: Communicating more effectively: Having a good vocabulary means that you have a wider range of words to choose from when you communicate. This allows you to express yourself more precisely and clearly, which can help you to get your point across more effectively. Reading comprehension: A good vocabulary can help you to understand what you read. When you come across a word that you don't know, you can use your knowledge of other words to figure out its meaning. This can help you to understand the text more fully and to make better inferences. Writing skills: A good vocabulary can help you to write more effectively. When you have a wide range of words to choose from, you can write more precisely and clearly. You can also use your knowled

What are the language taxonomies? What is blooms taxononmy? How does it help the language teaching? How can it applicable in language classroom?

Hello, again, Another episode is about language teaching strategies or methods or approaches. In this blog, I have explained Bloom's Taxonomy; before that, let us know what language taxonomy is.   Language taxonomies are frameworks that categorize different levels of cognitive complexity in language learning. They can be used to help educators design language learning activities that promote different levels of thinking. Bloom's taxonomy is one of the most well-known language taxonomies. It was originally developed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues, and it has since been revised and updated several times. The taxonomy consists of six levels, each of which represents a different level of cognitive complexity. The levels are: Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create How Bloom's Taxonomy helps language teaching? Bloom's taxonomy can be used to help educators design language learning activities that promote different levels of cognitive development. For

Krashen's Five hypotheses for English language Teaching. Explained in understandable English.

 Hello, my beloved fellow reader, Today, I have tried to explain Krashen's 5 hypotheses for Second Language Acquisitions (SLA). So many of you asked me to write about the theories and applications in English Language Teaching especially Communicative language teaching approaches. Here is the first part of the series. Starts with Krashen's hypotheses. Before we going to start we have to understand what he meant as comprehensible input? how can we do it or approach it? Comprehensible input is the language that is slightly beyond the learner's current level of understanding. According to Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis, it is the key to language acquisition. When learners are exposed to comprehensible input, they are able to figure out the meaning of the language through context, inference, and repetition. This process of figuring out the meaning of language is called "inductive learning." Comprehensi ble input can be found in a variety of forms, including: Li

How to be fluent in English speaking or sound like natives? Do I need to strectch native accents? Few tips to brush up your language.

 Hello everyone, This week, I will share my perspectives and experiences, which helped me to sound more fluent in English. I was born in a non-native English-speaking county, and even though I am from a third-world country, I achieved my speaking level up to the Native English speakers. How did I do that? Many wonders how it will work on others with different contexts? I heard your thoughts... Yep, these techniques work on almost 80% of people. How do I know that? I knew that it worked like a gem because I had implemented these techniques with my students for the past decade. Try to speak clearly with a clear voice: Don’t be nervous or worried Don’t try to use any word or grammar you do not know. When you don’t understand: When asking questions, if you don’t understand, say, ‘I’m  sorry I don’t understand’ or, ‘Can you repeat that, please? ’ If you don’t understand the questions, ask him/her to repeat the questions by asking, “ Could you repeat that again?”. If you have problems unders

How can use AI to improve our language speaking proficiency? Does it really works? Five AI tools help for language learning...

Have you ever wondered about the features of AI? or Afraid of AI? Is it a boon or a curse? Here I will share with you all about AI as a boon. Yep, as I mention here, it will be a boon if you all utilize it. Today I am going to share the aspects of using AI as language learning tool and use it to enhance your speaking skills. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we learn languages. In the past, language learning was often a solitary and challenging experience. Learners would typically rely on textbooks, grammar drills, and flashcards to memorize vocabulary and grammar rules. However, AI-powered language learning platforms are now making it possible to learn languages in a more interactive, engaging, and personalized way. One of the most promising ways AI enhances language speaking is through speech recognition technology. Speech recognition technology allows computers to understand spoken language and is being used to provide real-time feedback to language learn

How can we use AI effectively in Education and how to be smart without getting spoiled of it

AI can be used effectively in education in various ways, such as: 1. Personalized learning: AI can be used to create adaptive learning platforms that cater to each student's individual needs and pace. It can analyze their learning patterns, strengths, and weaknesses to provide customized learning experiences. 2. Intelligent tutoring: AI-powered tutoring systems can provide immediate feedback, answer questions, and assist students in their learning process. AI tutors can offer tailored guidance by analyzing student performance and identifying improvement areas. 3. Automated grading: AI can streamline the grading process by automatically evaluating objective assessments, such as multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-blank exercises, saving teachers valuable time. This way, educators can focus on more qualitative aspects of assessment. 4. Content recommendations: AI algorithms can suggest relevant learning resources, books, articles, or videos based on student's interests and l

What is the true happiness for the teachers?

 Hello everyone,   What is the true happiness of teachers, professors, or educators? The most common perspective of most communities might be, "What? They earn a lot; what do they feel worried about? They have much money they should be happy all the time". The common misconception is that having money will bring happiness, do they? I don't think so. I can't disagree, either. But the truth is that money is not just happiness alone. True happiness for teachers is a state of well-being that comes from feeling fulfilled in their work, connected to their students and colleagues, and supported by their work community. Happy teachers are likelier to be engaged in their work, have positive relationships with their students, and be effective educators. In simple words, happy teachers will find happiness in every single thing that they face. There are many things that teachers can do to cope with stress and frustration in their lives. Some helpful strategies include: Taking car