How to be fluent in English speaking or sound like natives? Do I need to strectch native accents? Few tips to brush up your language.
Hello everyone,
This week, I will share my perspectives and experiences, which helped me to sound more fluent in English. I was born in a non-native English-speaking county, and even though I am from a third-world country, I achieved my speaking level up to the Native English speakers. How did I do that? Many wonders how it will work on others with different contexts? I heard your thoughts... Yep, these techniques work on almost 80% of people. How do I know that? I knew that it worked like a gem because I had implemented these techniques with my students for the past decade.
Don’t be nervous or worried

Don’t try to use any word or grammar you do not know.

When you don’t understand:
When asking questions, if you don’t understand, say, ‘I’m sorry I don’t understand’ or, ‘Can you repeat that, please?’
If you don’t understand the questions, ask him/her to repeat the questions by asking, “Could you repeat that again?”.
If you have problems understanding a long question, give importance to the keywords; you don’t need to understand every word. When the other speaks, give him/her some time to finish; don’t interrupt them.

Ask or answer questions.
Try to use Wh-words like what, when, where, who, etc., in your questions. You can also use question words like do/does to ask questions. Avoid answering questions with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ only. Please try to answer it with complete responses. Such as follows:
Do you have an extra pen?
Yes, I have
Overcome nervous:
If you feel you need more time to speak English. Slow yourself. Don’t talk too quickly; you can give pause between sentences. This helps you overcome nervousness.
If you want to say a word, but you can’t remember the word Instantly, describe the word with other words. For example, suppose you want to say the word ‘enjoyable,’ but you can’t remember it; you can explain it with words like ’a matter of great pleasure.’
How to sound more fluent?

Use contracted forms like ‘I’m,’ ‘don’t,’ ‘shouldn’t, ' instead of ‘I am,’ ‘do not,’ ‘should not,’ etc. If you don’t know professional or native English, it doesn’t matter. The purpose of speaking is to communicate. So, don’t worry too much.
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